Monday, January 15, 2007

Can-Do-Corker :P

Can-Do-Corker here!! :P,,,,haha thatwas pretty funy!, awesome day today, haha had a awesome walk today at lunch!, talkin about the bitch of all bitches eh cass ass nad manda panda!...haha"fuck i just wanna tell her that shes trying to be something shes not and taht every one sees it and that no body likes it" hahahahaha ***laughing***.lol..j/k...j/k...but yeah, so we pretyuch have a fool proof plan to get rid of you know who off of that persons thing,...haha "oops i didnt mean to do that srry"?...haha

pretty awesome talk!! manda panda and cass ass.gonn ahve to do it again!..

<3 Always

Tuesday, January 9, 2007

almost girlss

Almost beet souris, so close, first they got 2 goals, then we got 3 then they got one then we got one then they got one, then there was like 2 or 3 miniuts left in the game, and me cristine and kelsey went out we got the puck, and they passed it up to me, so i took off wiht it, at about the red line, then i got to the blue line and souris s defence was right there so i cut hard to the left and just got around the one girls but i wasnt far enought over and far enought behind her, so i shot and y stick hit her shins, and the puck just kinda went to the net, i didnt get a good shot away :( then the puck got tied up over by souris s bench for the last like 8 second of the game so we almost won, but not really :P but we tried so its all good!

<3 always

Monday, January 8, 2007

Big game tonighttt

big game tonight, against souris, ahh might kiil our 11 game undefeatedness streek!.haha, o well, well try our best!, and if we loose, then we loose!, well first day back toschool today, meh, just the regular thing, felt like it had been a month o well, so im pretty much nervouse for this game..they are our only real competition, and we are pretty even, o well, maybe that st.vital game will keep us up!!!..well better go get ready!!,

<3 always

Sunday, January 7, 2007

ohh boyyyy

well, this is my first blog, and man and i comfused :P o well ill figure er, i had a pretty good christmas! got my bass guitar! i was sooo excited...anyways, school tomorro, and im starting off new, im totally gonna be me, and im gonna do it so i know people like me for who i am, im gonna be nice, unless omeone seserves to be shut, if im acting different, its cause, well, i geuss ive always been myslef, but ive noticed that i am a different me around some people compared to others, but im gonna try to be the same!, well school tomorro, see yah there!!

<3 always