Tuesday, January 9, 2007

almost girlss

Almost beet souris, so close, first they got 2 goals, then we got 3 then they got one then we got one then they got one, then there was like 2 or 3 miniuts left in the game, and me cristine and kelsey went out we got the puck, and they passed it up to me, so i took off wiht it, at about the red line, then i got to the blue line and souris s defence was right there so i cut hard to the left and just got around the one girls but i wasnt far enought over and far enought behind her, so i shot and y stick hit her shins, and the puck just kinda went to the net, i didnt get a good shot away :( then the puck got tied up over by souris s bench for the last like 8 second of the game so we almost won, but not really :P but we tried so its all good!

<3 always


x valerie-anne said...

dani has a blog? lol WOO BLOGS ROCK haha .. i have one too .. but you prolly new that.. ttyl

Michele said...

yeah I have one too!! woot www.and-thats-how-we-roll.blogspot.com.. yeah but you probably knew that too :P